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An umbrella body for assessment schemes with the common aim of reducing both duplication and costs for both buyers and suppliers
By becoming health & safety assessed with an SSIP scheme, you have satisfied the criteria for all other SSIP members’ schemes – saving you from having to pay multiple assessment fees.
Facilitiesline accepts all valid SSIP member certificates as evidence of competence in health and safety management.
Acclaim Accreditation is a registered SSIP member scheme provided by Fortius Ltd.
SSIP now has over sixty members – both assessment schemes and UKAS accredited certification bodies who offer OHSAS 18001 certification in construction. Together they save millions of pounds a year for both buyers and suppliers. All member assessment schemes undergo an annual audit to ensure that they meet the SSIP standards required for mutual recognition and as an assurance of consistent standards for both buyers and suppliers.
Facilitiesline accepts a health & safety accreditation certificate from any SSIP scheme in place of our own health & safety questionnaire. In addition to Acclaim Accreditation, current SSIP members can be viewed on the SSIP website.
The benefits of Acclaim Accreditation
Why limit your choice of suppliers to a single scheme? As a buyer, adopting SSIP can help you access more suppliers assessed to CDM 2015 and the SSIP core criteria. At the time of writing, most Facilitiesline suppliers have been assessed by one SSIP member or another – and as usual, access to the database is free to buyers.
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More FM teams are joining Facilitiesline, as we make it easier to manage – and where necessary, source – high quality, compliant suppliers for your organisation’s hard and soft facilities management services.
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